Embracing the Challenge
Reflecting on progress and growth toward your goal
We are about 2 weeks into the new year and this is your reminder that progress toward a resolution, vision, goal, and/or healing does not follow a direct path.
The reality of working toward any goal is that we will encounter challenges, detours, or set-backs along the way. We might not even achieve the goal we set out for. But, it’s how we respond in those challenging moments that can change our experience and perception of working toward our goal.
My goal for 2022 was to see 20 clients a week. At the beginning of the year, I wasn’t entirely clear on WHY that number was important to me, but it was the number that intuitively felt right.
Did I achieve that goal in 2022? No.
Does that mean I failed? Objectively, yes.
But, when I sit with it, I’m not viewing it as a failure. Instead, I’m seeing the growth that came from the discomfort of not achieving this goal, the progress I made in understanding why this goal is important to me, the excitement I now feel about growing my business, and the impact I’ll have when I get to work with 20 clients a week…all of that is a WIN for me.
So, as you work toward your goals for this week/month/quarter/year, remember that you get to decide how you want to feel about your progress, what you want to learn from it, and what you want to celebrate even in the moments of challenge, set-back, or “failure.”
Grateful for you,